Api Documentation
Simple search
Request Body
The request body should include a JSON object with the following parameters:
entity : The type of entity to search for. Possible values: person,company, vessel
search : The term or terms to search for. If multiple terms are to be searched, replace spaces with +.
Example Usage in Postman
Open Postman and create a new POST request.
Set the request URL to the appropriate endpoint:https://app.dmonitor.
Add an Authorization header with the value Bearer <your_api_token>.
In the request body, select raw and set the content type to JSON (application/json).
Provide the JSON data as shown in the Request Body section above.
Click the Send button to make the API request.
Remember to replace <your_api_token> with the actual Bearer Token obtained from this page.
Batch search
Request Body
The request should include the following parameters as form-data:
entity: The type of entity to search for. Possible values: person,company, vessel
file: The CSV file containing search terms. The CSV file should have a single column without a header. If multiple search terms are in a single row, they should be in a single cell, separated by spaces..
Example Usage in Postman
Open Postman and create a new POST request.
Set the request URL to the appropriate endpoint:https://app.dmonitor.
Add an Authorization header with the value Bearer <your_api_token>.
In the request body, select form-data.
Add a key-value pair for the entity parameter, where the value is the desired entity type. Ex: person
Add another key-value pair for the file parameter, where the value is the CSV file containing the search terms.
Click the Send button to make the API request.
Remember to replace <your_api_token> with the actual Bearer Token obtained from this page.