Api Documentation

Simple search

The Simple Search API endpoint allows users to search for entities based on specified parameters. The endpoint accepts POST requests with JSON data in the request body.
POST /api/search
Request Body

The request body should include a JSON object with the following parameters:

entity : The type of entity to search for. Possible values: person,company, vessel, sanction, passport, organization.

search : The term or terms to search for. If multiple terms are to be searched, replace spaces with +.

The API will respond with a JSON object containing search results based on the provided parameters.
Example Usage in Postman

Open Postman and create a new POST request.

Set the request URL to the appropriate endpoint:https://app.dmonitor.tech/api/search

Add an Authorization header with the value Bearer <your_api_token>.

In the request body, select raw and set the content type to JSON (application/json).

Provide the JSON data as shown in the Request Body section above.

Click the Send button to make the API request.

Remember to replace <your_api_token> with the actual Bearer Token obtained from this page.

Batch search

The Batch Search API endpoint allows users to perform multiple entity searches in a single request using a CSV file. This can be especially useful for searching large sets of terms efficiently. The endpoint accepts POST requests with form-data containing the CSV file and other parameters.
POST /api/bulk-search
Request Body

The request should include the following parameters as form-data:

entity: The type of entity to search for. Possible values: person,company, vessel, sanction, passport, organization.

file: The CSV file containing search terms. The CSV file should have a single column without a header. If multiple search terms are in a single row, they should be in a single cell, separated by spaces..

The API will respond with a JSON object containing search results for each term provided in the CSV file.
Example Usage in Postman

Open Postman and create a new POST request.

Set the request URL to the appropriate endpoint:https://app.dmonitor.tech/api/bulk-search

Add an Authorization header with the value Bearer <your_api_token>.

In the request body, select form-data.

Add a key-value pair for the entity parameter, where the value is the desired entity type. Ex: person

Add another key-value pair for the file parameter, where the value is the CSV file containing the search terms.

Click the Send button to make the API request.

Remember to replace <your_api_token> with the actual Bearer Token obtained from this page.